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Finding Tens – Counting numbers in a Group of 10 | Math for 1st Grade | Kids Academy

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Finding Tens At The ZOO | Math For 1st Grade
It can be hard for a child to grasp the concept of counting mainly because he is new to it and he doesn’t know much. In simpler words, if your child is having trouble at finding 10s then don’t worry and know that this is something that almost every child finds hard to understand. At the end of the day, you can’t just overlook this issue, right? You have to make sure to come up with a solution that can help your little one on how to learn math.

Maths is a complicated subject and most students find it boring which is why your first focus should be to make it interesting. Yes, you read that right! You need to find solutions that can help your child focus on this subject and that’s exactly why we are here at the moment. The one solution that will work in any case is Youtube videos and online lectures on math. These people are professionals and they know how to use audios and visuals to grab the attention of the children. All you need to do is to invest your time and that’s all.

Staying consistent with your efforts is necessary because at first, it will be a little difficult for your kid to understand what’s happening but with a little patience and repeated efforts, he will finally be able to understand and respond to you the way you want to.

If not Youtube videos, you can simply opt for games and books etc that can help your child. Games are a better idea and especially when it comes to learning math for kids, this technique genuinely works! Just give it a try and we assure you that you will see the results on your own.

#Mathforkids #math #KidsAcademy

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