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How to Achieve Checkmate in 2 Moves | Chess Lessons for Kids | Kids Academy

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How to Achieve Checkmate in 2 Moves | Chess Lessons from Professional Coach

Chess is one of the best possible games on the planet Earth and no one can argue with this fact which is why if your little one is always busy in playing chess then let him because this is just helping him with his cognitive development.

On the other hand, if you are someone who still doesn’t know how to play chess properly then first, you should opt for online lessons and Youtube tutorials because these actually work. But if videos aren’t your thing then you can always hire a professional coach and learn to play chess from him.

Now, the reason why you are here is probably that you want to know how to achieve Checkmate in 2 moves and how to impress the other person by winning the game real quick. Well, if that’s the case then yes, you are at the right place, reading the right content because we are going, to sum up how you can achieve checkmate in 2 moves.

➔ First, your opponent will be opening by moving the pawn to f4 and this will ultimately open the diagonal of the king for you where you can see one of his weaknesses.
➔ Now, this is where you need to be careful and move your pawn to e6 to make some space for the bishop and the queen to move.
➔ Now, chances are that your opponent will move his pawn to g6 which will further open up the king’s diagonal for you.
➔ All you need to do know is to move your queen to h4 and check the king.
➔ This is how you win the chess game real quick!

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